Service charges
A service charge is a payment towards the cost of services which you receive to maintain your home and any communal parts.
Examples of services the service charge covers are as follows:
- The cost of employing a caretaker or sheltered scheme manager
- The cost of cleaning communal areas including window cleaning and removing dumped rubbish
- The cost of grounds maintenance to the communal gardens
- The cost of repairs to communal facilities such as door entry systems, television aerials, lighting and lifts.
Your Tenancy Agreement lists the services which we provide at your estate or block of flats.
We set the charge by estimating how much it will cost to provide and maintain these services over the year. When doing this we aim to keep costs down and provide value for money. If at the end of the year we find we have over or undercharged, we adjust the charge for the following year accordingly.
Service charges are set annually and any changes begin on the first Monday in August. We send you full details of the proposed new charges in advance.
You have the right to see details of the costs which make up your Service Charge, and to challenge any charge which you consider is too high. If you think this is the case, please contact your Housing Officer. We will then investigate the matter.
We regularly consult all residents and encourage you to give us feedback on the services we provide. Recent survey results can be found on the publications page.