Tenant satisfaction survey coming soon

Posted on the 21st September 2023

Our next tenant satisfaction survey will be held in October – so, please do complete and return it, when it arrives.

The Regulator of Social Housing now requires us to survey all our residents every two years, instead of every three. We also have to make use of the Regulator’s new Tenant Satisfaction Measures. The idea is that from now on, every social landlord will ask the same questions, so that we can more easily compare our performance with that of other similar organisations.

The questions are designed to check whether you think we are doing a good job by: • keeping your homes in good repair • maintaining building safety • engaging with you respectfully and helpfully • handling your complaints efficiently, and • managing your neighbourhoods responsibly.


We have appointed Acuity, an independent survey company, to manage the next survey on our behalf. Acuity will initially email the survey to you (along with a text notification). This will be followed by a mail out to those who have not responded. You may also get a phone call from Acuity. Your feedback is important to us, so thank you in advance for taking part. There will be a prize draw for all who respond.

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