Grenfell Tower – Message from Chief Executive

Posted on the 16th June 2017

Fire Safety following the Grenfell Tower fire

The Grenfell Tower fire is a shocking tragedy. At Keniston we want to express our sympathy and support for all those affected by it, and have made a small contribution to the relief fund. Whilst at this stage there are many questions as to how it happened and few answers, we want to share some important information with our residents.

  • At Grenfell Tower the cladding on the outside of the building may have been a factor in the fire spreading. At Keniston we have no cladding of this type.
  • Many of Keniston’s properties have a ‘Stay Put’ policy in the event of a fire – residents should stay in their home if there is a fire elsewhere in the building. Following the Grenfell House fire, news organisations are describing this policy as ‘controversial’. We will work closely with our advisers and the Fire Brigade and keep a close eye on any possible changes in the advice.
  • Where required, Keniston’s properties have a fire alarm. We test these regularly and we are confident they are operating as they should.
  • Many of our properties already have smoke detectors fitted. We are planning to install detectors across all remaining Keniston properties over the next year.
  • All Keniston’s properties with communal areas have periodic Fire Risk Assessments by experts in fire safety. We follow up their recommendations. While these inspections are all up to date, we are bringing forward the next inspection for the single tower block that Keniston owns – Burnhill House – and we will share the findings with residents.
  • Keniston works closely with the London Fire Brigade. As part of their service, you can ask them to visit you at home to advise about fire safety. There is more information here
  • We will closely watch for any changes in regulations and good practice advice to landlords about fire safety standards.

Fire safety in your Keniston home is vitally important to us. We are confident that all Keniston properties have good fire safety standards, and we are working hard to make sure this stays the case.

If you are at all concerned about fire safety in your home, we want to hear from you. Initially please contact Tony Coward, Property Services Director on 01689 889700. He will deal with queries as soon as possible.

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