Estate satisfaction survey

Posted on the 24th May 2016

We have carried out one of our regular satisfaction surveys at Hornsey Road and Tollington Park. This survey asked about residents’ views about services paid for through the service charge. Twenty two per cent of residents responded to the survey.  Of those who responded 83% said they were satisfied or very satisfied with the cleaning, 17% said they were not.  66% of residents said they were satisfied or very satisfied with the gardening and 33% said they were not.  Everyone was satisfied with the door entry system and the TV aerials.  83% of residents said they were very satisfied or satisfied with the communal lighting at 17% said they were not.  80% were happy that the service charge provided value for money, and the overall services provided by Keniston and 20% said they were not.

With only a few responses, it is difficult to be sure the feedback is accurate. It is important to complete the survey as your opinion does matter to us.  We can produce the survey in a variety of different ways, such as online, by post or by phone, whatever suits you.


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