Could a fire start in your home?

Posted on the 10th May 2016

We have recently had a fire in a property that Keniston Housing manage.  The Fire Brigade advised us that the cause of the fire was a mirror left on a window cill reflecting sunlight onto a curtain.  This is surprisingly not a rare occurrence.  We have a list of actions you can do to help prevent fire in the home and to reduce damage.

  • Close inside doors to stop a fire spreading.
  • Do not leave electrical appliances such as mobile phones charging overnight.
  • Don’t leave the washing machine, tumble dryer or dishwasher on overnight.
  • Make sure cigarettes are completely out.
  • Test smoke alarms on a regular basis.

We strongly advise all Keniston Housing tenants to take out contents insurance to ensure if anything does damage your belongings you are fully covered.

The London Fire Brigade issues advice about Fire Safety at Home and now is a good time to check up if anything in your home poses a risk.

Also please see the London Fire Brigade’s BBQ safely leaflet for advice about using barbecues safely.


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