Our vision and impact

We are small, caring and big enough to make a difference.
The Association’s strategic plan was updated in 2024 to reflect changing priorities:
Defining our core ethos and the drivers that impact on
what we do and how we do it helps to ensure that our
plans are realistic, appropriate, and align with our values
and vision. As with any organisation, there are certain
intrinsic themes that help support and influence this plan.
You can read more about the Strategic Plan in our publication: Strategic Plan 2024-27
Our aims
Homes and communities
This includes our approach to strategic asset management,
aligned to achieving long-term healthy living environments,
sustainability and affordability across all our homes. It
also addresses growth, focusing on our key projects at
Darrick Wood and, in the longer term, our estate at
Bickley. ‘Communities’ includes our role in promoting healthy
environments for our schemes, that our residents are
proud to live in.
Customer experience
Starting from a strong base with excellent tenant
satisfaction survey results, and by fully embedding our
values in how we work, during the life of this plan we
aim to maintain these high levels of satisfaction. This
requires that we develop our understanding of the key
drivers and influence open to us, while making effective
use of available technology.
Our people
Keniston’s board, staff and leadership teams are strong
assets of the Association. During the life of this plan, we
will need to manage some critical changes:
• Managing leadership succession within the board
and the executive management team
• Supporting staff development to maximise their
potential, including recruitment to key posts across
the organisation
• Ensuring that we deliver on our equality, diversity and
inclusion aims as an employer, bringing opportunities
to strengthen our effectiveness, greater diversity of
thought and approach, and supporting healthy
renewal, while maintaining the commitment to our
values and vision
All our work is underpinned by our values. These are:
• Respect Valuing diversity and treating everyone
fairly as individuals
• Openness Listening, being accessible, and
communicating clearly
• Inclusivity Our culture is one in which everybody
• Integrity Building trust by doing what we said we
• Excellence Taking pride in providing the best
customer experience
We describe more about the impact we make in our financial statements and our annual report. These can be found on our Publications page.