
Tarling Close walkabout cancelled

Due to the national lockdown, the Management Team Walkabout planned for Tarling Close in November is cancelled.  If you are a Tarling resident and have any estate issues you wish to raise, please speak with...

Posted 05 Nov 2020

London Boroughs tier 2 Covid restrictions

The Government has announced that as of Saturday 17th October (midnight Friday) all London Boroughs will go into tier 2 high alert level for Covid. This means some changes to what you can and can’t...

Posted 15 Oct 2020

Walkabout – Nethewode Court

We have resumed our estate walkabouts.   Members of the Management Team will be at Nethewode Court, Belvedere on Wednesday 14th October. Residents are most welcome to join them on a walkabout.   Social distancing...

Posted 05 Oct 2020

Annual report 2019/20

Keniston’s latest Annual Report is now ready to view online. Keniston residents will soon be getting their copy through the letterbox.  You can view the report here: Annual Report 2019/120

Posted 14 Aug 2020

Update from the Chief Executive 27/07/20

I hope you are well at this unusual and challenging time in all our lives. As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, we are writing to all Keniston residents with an update about our services. You will...

Posted 27 Jul 2020

Charity cake sale

We recently held a socially distanced cake sale and raffle at the Darrick Wood community centre. The chosen charity for Keniston’s 50th year is the Samaritans. We raised an impressive £95.70 on the day and...

Posted 24 Jul 2020

Darrick Wood hedge cutting

Our contractor ‘Down to earth’ will be on site at Darrick Wood from Monday 13th July onwards to cut the hedges. Residents are advised not to park near hedges during these works which may be...

Posted 09 Jul 2020

Repairs service update

Opening up our repairs services The country locked down 3 months ago. Since then, Keniston has been offering a limited repairs service, restricted to emergency and essential works only. Thank you for your understanding and...

Posted 30 Jun 2020

Help to claim

If you need support to make a Universal Credit claim, there is a national service offered by Citizens Advice. They are able to help you register a claim on the day, preventing any unnecessary delays....

Posted 08 Jun 2020